Sunday 12 May 2013

Forgive and Forget.

I remember, Cinderella story. Sleeping Beauty. Snow White.
I would wake up, yes, and you would lay the soft petals upon my own. 
then my whole world would make sense! At last. The meaning to life.
It would dawn, upon my youthful heart. 
Then you'd take me. We'd ride, far far away, to another land.
Princess. Glitter. Pink. Love.

that's what I wanted. That what I expected of you.
Do you think it's my fault? I really don't know.
Maybe, to depend on another is a sin. 
Are we not told, to follow our heart? Was that so wrong.
Apparently it was.

forget. don't forgive though, don't do that. 
that dirty little... he doesn't deserve it. 
it's an easy tap at the right key, and off through the network it goes.
to find a home. an unpleasant surprise, flashes before me.
I feel rage. Hurt. Tears. 
Why am I upset? I blame myself. No. 
Stop. Forget.
But never forgive.

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